There has been a lot of talk about +Marissa Mayer pulling back on Yahoo's Work@Home program and canceling out all work at home employee's off-site privileges. My gut reaction was that she was going backwards, not forwards, in how employees where treated in modern work environments.

As far as a change agent for women and families, I think she's fallen down on the job after less than a year. No matter what a person's choice regarding marriage / partnership or children is in conjunction with having a family, I strongly oppose any employer standing in the way of that choice. I feel it unjust that 'singles' (without spouses or children) get pulled into longer hours or promoted more fluidly than their coworkers with families. I hate the discrimination that men or people with families may make more money for the same job as 'they are the breadwinners'. I especially loathe work environments that put their own needs above the well being and life balance of their employees for the sole reasoning of control and order.

Then I thought about it. My view is strongly biased because I consider myself highly undesirable to hire. Oh, I'm a great talent when it comes down to my area of expertise(s), but I would make a horrible cube farmer (employee). The idea that large companies such as Yahoo or Zappos that most would think are progressive are actually implementing some pretty radical rules to force creativity and comradery is disturbing. Okay, let just say that it honestly did not occur to me that every single employee in a company would be doing less than their absolute best at their job. As a solo business owner, I have no choice but to be the best – or better than the best – 110% of the time. My business depends on it. Employees can (sometimes) fade into the woodwork and slack off much more when entire companies are not riding on their work alone. SMB owners do however, have this burden of having to always be brilliant and over-productive.

So let me just say that maybe Ms. Mayer is heading in the right direction with recalling all the work from home positions. According to this Harvard Business Review article, there was some research done to determine the top 250 producers (in whatever metrics they used) and the work at home people didn't rank high at all for contributions to the company. Considering that Yahoo is currently in the crapper (yes, that's a technical and financial term – grin) there would be need to pull everyone back to the mothership (in the office) where morale and productivity could be monitored better.

When companies and employees consistently produce quality I see no reason to restrict or dictate their work environments  Yahoo is not really quality right now.

The one thing that grinds on me is that media – and maybe Ms. Mayer – seem to be considering that she's trying to mimic the successes Google had by implementing the same rules.

She will not duplicate Google's success, products, services or future path. I sincerely hope for the sake of the Yahoo employees that she has a plan outside of "do what +Sergey Brin does".

She's becoming the Dragon Lady of Silicon Valley in my opinion, which in the end might not be such a bad idea. I just hope she doesn't burn down too many bridges in the process. She has the potential to ruin it for the rest of us women.


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Marissa Mayer Is No Fool
Like any good leader, she knows who creates real value, and how, in her company.

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