tl;dr : Reading this to the end will completely change how you talk to non-Google+ers about the platform, how you think about Google+, and how you use it from this point forward for your business.
I had a blast yesterday at the #SoMeBizLIfe conference. The organizers +Chuck Hall & +Don Lafferty were gracious enough to squeeze me in as a lunchtime speaker since the agenda was already full. Smart and connected people that they are, the realized that the attendees could benefit from some Google+ insights, so they invited me in to chat from the stage.
I can't even tell you how many people came up to me afterwards and told me that now they understand what Google+ is for. Twice on my way to the venue yesterday I changed my mind completely on what I was specifically going to speak about. This audience was strictly focused on business – if I were speaking to enthusiasts, my 'angle' would have been different. I aim to please!
People that haven't yet seen the warm golden glow of what Google+ really is don't need to be taught/told how to post, do a Hangout, edit content, etc. Coming from a business / professional point of view, people are looking for the "WHY" of Google+. They need to know it's not a waste of their time, redundant, or a time sink.
The feedback I receive at every talk / conference I do is the same, but this time I was smart enough to ask people to make their comments public (Twitter is really the way to go at live / large events like a conference.)
I had a group of professional women tell me they were so inspired and motivated to join Google+ because they now saw the immediate benefit to them that they fired up their laptops during my talk and started. That's powerful!
Some of my quotes that got Tweeted are (Feel free to use any quotes with attribution / credit <grin>):
1. Don't go to Google+ for the community, go to build one : meaning yes, it will be a ghost town in here if you don't get off your ass and proactively look for people and communities to interact with – and make them a part of YOUR community.
2. Google+ is "where you want to be found for the things you want to be found for : I begged (!!) people not to just come in here and dump content & leave. Be known for the things you want to be known for by talking about them & talking with others about them.
3. On Google+ "You create your own roadmap of you. : You now get to more strongly influence how Google sees you and thus how others find you. There is no denying the link between Google+ and Google (duh, it's the same company…) so you might as well start thinking about creating your * KNOWLEDGE FOOTPRINT* online. Yes, that is a phrase I made up, but it describes very strongly what you need to do by producing great content in relation to yourself or your business.
4. Google+ is the water between pebbles in a vase, ties everything together : This was the very best way I could describe to the non-initiated what the true purpose of Google+ was. It is a social layer meant to tie together the separate pieces and products of Google and the web. THAT one turned on a lot of lightbulbs!
5. Your friends have knowledge. The Internet has information. G+ is the bridge : Again, there is a huge difference between information and knowledge. I believe that the current state of content on the Internet is found and cross-referenced because machines run algorithms designed by humans. It is not the same as humans finding and curating information. Where I feel Google/Google+ is taking us is from an Information / Data web to a Knowledge / Human connection. Think about that for a bit. It's HUGE. H. U. G. E.
When the video is released I'll put it on my YouTube & share the link….
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Great post. Thanks.
Go, +Lynette Young!
As an entrepreneur, I naturally started networking with business via the typical facebook route. It didn't take me long to realize that all facebook is is verbal diarrhea with no filter whatsoever. And then I remembered Myspace during my high school days.
And then I remembered Google+. After pretty much months of neglect, I looked at it from a new business perspective – instead of from a consumer's and it dawned on me. I can't try and drag my friends from FB to G+. They are fickle and don't "get" it. They like playing in the poo because that's where everyone else is.
You are absolutely right – you have to CREATE your network on G+. Make your interests clear and the G+ users COME TO YOU.
Keep up the great work – it's great to see this commentary get attention 🙂
I am glad I took the time to read your post. I am still new to the use of it but some of the ideas you mentioned, such as building a community yourself was very helpful. I plan on gathering some "building" material tomorrow. I'll follow you, too. Thank you Lynette.
Awesome presentation yesterday and i look forward to seeing it again. You've lit a g+ fire under me!