This is (small) part of the secret sauce I have in my kitchen for my clients – but outrageously important to know. Like +Mark Traphagen says, if you have any interest at all in being found online, go read this article top to bottom.

The kicker is you actually have to produce well-written content now. Get writing!!

Reshared post from +Mark Traphagen

AuthorRank: The Coming SEO Power of Excellent, Trusted Content Producers

If you have any interest whatsoever in being seen and heard on the web, I urge you to read this very important post linked below by +AJ Kohn. Read it from top to bottom. I am not kidding when I tell you that I am printing it out and putting it on my office wall.

Here's a summary of what AJ is saying (based on Google patents and quotes from Google representatives), but I urge you again to read the complete article.

1. AuthorRank will work hand-in-hand with PageRank, and each will strengthen the reliability of the other.

"AuthorRank won’t replace PageRank it’ll just make it more accurate."

2. AuthorRank will be by topic, not keyword or query. Authors can rank differently for different topics. Topical ranking will be influenced not only by your own content but by who engags with it and reshares it. The more powerful the engager is in the same topic, the more they help your AuthorRank.

3. One of the major reasons Google+ exists is to provide Google with the "digitial signature" needed to positivily connect authors with their content, not only on G+ but across the web.

"Google+ is an identity platform and rel=author is a digital signature."

4. Abuse of AuthorRank will be disincentivized by making it hard to build up and easy to lose. Authors who try to misuse their power by willy-nilly endorsing anything and everything put their entire AuthorRank power at risk.

"We know that great content comes from great authors, and we’re looking closely at ways this markup could help us highlight authors and rank search results." That quote, friends, is from the Google itself (

5. Google will use a number of factors to determin Author authority in a topic, many involving who engages with your content and how often. See AJs post for his speculation about factors that may be used.

6. AuthorRank is a more surgical instrument than Panda. Panda only deals at the site level. AuthorRank will be applied on a page-by-page, link-by-link basis.

"Panda will feel like a speedbump if Google can implement a fully realized version of AuthorRank."

Pinging +Corey Creed +Jesse Wojdylo +Ronnie Bincer +Brian Gundersen

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Author Rank
AuthorRank combines the web of people with the web of links to create a more savvy view of trust and authority that will be used to rank search results.

Google+: Reshared 2 times
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