Quick video question, looking forward to hearing some answers! PS – GO FOR IT!
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Quick video question, looking forward to hearing some answers! PS – GO FOR IT!
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Here's a subtle twist on the question – what would you do if you knew you could be the very best at something you didn't enjoy doing?
I'm one anyway, but if I knew at 22 I could be the very best Dad then I'd have been a lot more relaxed about being one. Not sure that makes sense at all. But I just want to be the very best Dad, thats my goal and ambition in life.
Lead by example.
I would be an innovator (with a FABULOUS mind) to create things… not sure WHAT exactly… but things that help people.. somehow..
+Steve Mayne what I do for a living right now. I think if I were good at it, I'd enjoy it more.
Finding myrself an enlightening experience. You become self-sufficient and do things for others without expectations of something in return
My answer is the same as to the question, "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" Everything.
I would like to think that I have found that niche in my work life, anyway. working toward being the best.
I can't think of anything I would do differently from what I do now.
I'd be a comedian, making as many people as possible laugh, nothing like the joy of making others happy, even for just a short while!
Feed the hungry in the world !
farei tuto il posibile per non perderla perche si merita
If I could be the very best.. as a child I wanted to be on stage…if you had asked me as a child I would have gone into acting,performing arts.
I would want to be the best writer,journalist..story teller.
What brings out the best in you?
Its probably never too late???????
I forgot to say, you look good.
I would be a musician.
A racing driver.)
A traveling artist (storyteller, dancer, singer, painter-all in one)
I'm glad I listened before responding, because you hit on what came to my mind at around 1:10 when you said "why would we not do it just because we don't think we're the very best."
By definition, only a tiny number of us can be "the very best" at anything. So what?
Do it anyway. Do it because you want to. Do it because it interests you or excites you or makes you giddy with anticipation. Do it because you're curious. Do it because it might make some tiny difference. Don't let fear of failure, or of not being the best, hold you back.
Great question. It reminded me of my son when he was very young, everything he did he would call himself the world's greatest at. I will have to ponder the question, but so far I'm leaning toward the world's greatest sammie maker.
you nice
In my industry I am quite certain that I know my product the best in my country. This does not make me sit back and relax. I constantly see where I can improve and better my knowledge. I need to make sure I stay the best in my field of work. I don't want to be paid for what I do, but for what I know!
I love the question +Lynette Young
I totally agree your point specially " I don't want to be paid for What I do, but for What I Know!" The Quest for knowledge is a never ending process though it is said that All Good Things Comes to an End"
I've been thinking about this one for a while now, +Lynette Young, trying to see how I could do the greatest good. The best I've come up with is: research scientist for human health/longevity improvements.
Like +Michael O'Reilly I was thinking about it, and there are so many things I would want to do. If I could be the very best at coordinating the global community, bringing tolerance and understanding, that's what I would want to do… but I don't really think that is what you are looking for. My more realistic answer would be running a program to get people back on their feet– homeless, abused, addicted, mentally ill, etc; give them the tools to live a good life if they are willing to work for it. My limitation there isn't because I don't think I would be great at it, it is more a matter of resources. Something to do with skill, I think I would also be a researcher– finding the cure for horrible diseases (and no, not just HIV, Cancer, but MS, Lupus, etc)
Small world, +Sharon Strandskov. I'm happy to see that you thought about it in terms of doing good, too.
What I would do if I knew I could be the very best is start my own cable network. Why? Because I think I understand what people want more than these executives on these other networks. OK maybe not ALL network, but certainly a few of them! Who knows, maybe it's in the cards for me. We'll see.
+Adrienne Graham I would SOOOOO want a show on that network!!!
HAH! Well I will do my best to make it happen +Lynette Young . Now, let me go through my list of wealthy billionaires I know that'll help me out. 🙂