The SxSW sessions have limited educational value for me, but at $950 a ticket it will not have the return I need for the money. The large parties really aren't my thing either and not worth almost $1,000 just to attend (and I usually have to buy my own drinks). Last year I had more drinks spilled on my and more people knocking into me trying to get to some Internet superstar than I care to think about. Not my scene…. maybe I'm just too old!
Of course my goal is to have more intimate meetings/dinners pre-stacked before going, but that's not happening for me. I am not currently connected to the types of people I need to be connected to in order to make that happen. I don't have a long line of invites to this type of thing. Best I can hope for is a rogue invite when I'm down there, but that is about as likely as getting snow at SxSW.
So, what do I want out of SxSW? I want to connect with people & companies that can work with me to develop content and sponsorship for the projects I have going on. I see Google+ celebraties getting flown in and put up and given all sorts of stages and perks at SxSW. I don't have any of that – I say this because I have gotten numerous emails assuming 'someone' is paying my way and giving me big bucks to attend because they see me an Internet celebrity. I'm not, trust me. If I were I'd have a sponsor!
If SxSW is supposed to be a place – a festival – for PEOPLE to get together for movies, music & tech then SxSW has made it financially impossible for those very people to attend. If I priced it all out and got the super early bird pricing, I would be out of pocket $4,000 (hotel, food, airfare, badge). How is that financially responsible as a solopreneur? It's not. Right now only big brands and agencies can afford to flip the bill – and then those of us that do scrape together two nickels to attend feel the place is overrun by 'suits'. It's a fail-fail.
Complaining aside, I'm going even if it's not in the manner I'd like (I have no badge). What I would like is to find people in positions at agencies that I can meet and get to know that may benefit from myself and my 'brand' online. SxSW is supposed to be the place to get that done.
I just don't know if it's worth not paying all my bills for the month to have that happen…..
Reshared post from +Simon Salt
SXSW Interactive – bigger than a conference
I, like many thousands of people will be heading to Austin this weekend for SXSW Interactive.
There are two groups of people who arrive in Austin for SXSWi badged and unbadged.
I have attended the past five years and I've done a mix of both. Last year I went with a badge because I was a speaker. This year I am going unbadged.
A lot of the corporate events at SXSW require you to have a badge to attend – mostly because to get the space they have to agree to SXSW rules and they pretty much exclude anyone from organizing anything in Austin without it being part of the official SXSW event during those few weeks. I get that, it makes sense for them as an organization trying to make money.However, there are some events that don't require a badge and I'd honestly like to see more of these. Given the economy at the moment, it is harder and harder for individuals who aren't being bankrolled by their company or a brand sponsorship to attend conferences like SXSW – I have heard of hotels who have raised their prices from around $80 per night to $600+ per night because of the shortage of rooms. Add to that the $950 price tag for a badge for Interactive and you are looking at some serious cash outlay. I really think that businesses could learn a lot from companies who are partnering with others to put on smaller events around the main conference that act as catalyst points for attendees of both types.
If you want people to talk about your brand at SXSW what better way than to be "that place" where so and so met and started the next big web thing!
Much of the value for attendees doesn't come from the sessions to be honest. They come from the random meetings, the quiet corners at parties.
I'll be setting up shop in hotel lobbies over the weekend in the day time (or the Google Village if it isn't a badged venue) and attending the unbadged parties at night. Because what I am going for is not more Pinterest for business 101 but conversations with individuals who are doing cool stuff, people who will make me think and spark ideas in me.I'm going to run some hangouts while I'm there too, mostly just to let people know where I am. So if you are attending badged or unbadged I'd love you to swing by and say hi, not just to me but to anyone who happens to be hanging out.
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I <3 Austin
Keep Austin Weird
Would love to go
But I am whittling away building networks…
Wish I could go +Lynette Young sadly I have to work 🙁 lol
Lynette!!! We need to talk about your networking game. And then see what we can do to improve that. 🙂
I hope things work out for you to meet the people you want at SXSW, +Lynette Young. For my part, I'll be attending just to meet a lot of the fantastic people I've gotten to know here on Google+ who'll be attending. For instance, I'd love to run across you while we're there. Have a fantastic time!
Here's the problem +Adrienne Graham I GOT NO GAME! 😉 To be 110% honest, I rock online talking to people but am horribly shy in person. HELLO! That's why I love social media! It really does take a lot of courage on my part to go to such a large event and network in person. I am always in that self-doubt / narcissist mode (I know a lot of people are… but me more-so).
I have not attended SXSW. I don't plan to. I'd love to go just to listen to the music and watch the films, but it's over priced for that kind of "vacation". I have to work a little harder to attend enough events all over the country to make the same face time with folks that matter, but I'm OK with that. The biggest value in SXSW (read: any conference) is in real world meeting with people, but frankly – how do they remember meeting each other or make any strong ties if everyone is hosed for a week+? I know people who have gotten extreme value out of past SXSW events, and had fun. I also know that folks who got the most value didn't do it at the parties – so I think you'll be fine. There are plenty of awesome people to meet in the hallways, and plenty of people who go badge free each year and still meet folks around town.
+Lynette Young this calls for a private phone call or hangout or something. I'll probably be sending you a copy of my Fearless Networking Without Asking Permission.
Gah now I feel like a hopeless case! 😉
+Adrienne Graham is SO ROCKING! Take her up on it +Lynette Young
Agreed. And the "student discount" for those of us still in school is just an extended early-bird price – no matter how early you register, they won't sell tickets for less than $600 (for Interactive, at least).
I am so thankful that I live close enough that it's a short drive, have friends who are putting me up for free, and am making due without a badge (thanks to the awesome G+ support). I can't imagine how a student anywhere else would be able to afford it.
Aww thank you +Christine Cavalier. +Lynette Young noooo!!!! You're not hopeless…and especially since you have me in your corner! 🙂
+Dan Nemec what? You're not a trust-fund student!? <grin>
+Adrienne Graham help accepted 😉 thank you. +Christine Cavalier is right (as usual)
Hey let me know where I can apply to be a trust fund student! LOL
Here's an interesting article on Forbes (not written by me lol)
I never understood why people who make their money on the internet, have way more friends ont he internet and basically live on the internet need to meet up in person… lol I guess I will never know because I am hiding out here on the internet!
If not for the fact I am part of a panel/performance, I wouldn't be able to cough up the money to go either. This will be the third SXSW I have attended & they have increasingly gotten more expensive over the years.
I feel your pain as a small entrepreneur/biz person too. It takes planning early, sharing a room, hunting down low airfare, and then their is the badge! Some panels/speakers/sponsors do get extra day passes as perks, so you can try to see if anyone in your networks has one to give. And, of course, if your local there is always the volunteering to try to cut costs.
I can also sympathize regarding being less bold in large group situations like an event of this scale, then I would be say at a smaller conference. My more comfy spot lies in smaller group conversations/meetings and I just have to rely on luckily those are the kind of things that tend to stick out after the event is over.
Honestly, one of the most rewarding events I went to as part of last year's SXSW was a skydiving meet up prior to the kick off. Get about a dozen people together who are going to jump out of a plane and it is hard not to bond!
And, if anyone is interested, looks like they are trying to do SXSkydiving again:
I think one point I forgot to mention is some of these "internet celebrities" that everyone's falling all over themselves to meet have a case of the big head. Some of them end up being so stuck on themselves because they're "celebrities" that it detracts from the brilliance (?) they bring on a screen. Some of their stuck up attitudes make me not even want to meet them…or continue to follow them online. I have a low tolerance for that self-importance bullshit.
In a lot of instances I've seen the worst of the cases being the 'fanboys' chasing down people considered celebraties. Yes, some are divas, but when people hunt down popular personalities from online it has to make it uncomfortable for the 'star'. I won't mention his name here, but I've been friends with someone for a long time that is considered a rockstar in some circles. He can't even walk across a room without someone stopping him and pitching to him or begging to 'mention them' online. PLEASE. Maybe the guy just had to go pee or something <grin>.
I already have the 411 about the folks with huge egos… not for me. I've seen a few of them already publicly announcing they won't be at any parties or events unless specifically listed – and even then you are not to approach them. Yes. I honestly did read that by several people. Really? You really have the b@lls to put that out there? I wonder if traveling with a bodyguard is next.
I guess it's up to me to point out that "Internet Celebrity" appears in the dictionary to illustrate the meaning on the word "Oxymoron".
New goal for SXSW: Buy +Lynette Young a drink by this time next week.
If you're up for some skating, there's an "adult skate night (18+)" that I'm at every Tuesday night here in Austin! I don't know how that's going to help with any significant networking but it could be a nice breather from the festival