Sarah Robles, a 5'10" 275 pound Olympic weightlifter, is living at the poverty level just to survive and complete in her sport. Meanwhile, Australian runner Michelle Jenneke is getting a lot more 'screen time' due to her unique warm up routine ( Now I have no idea how Jenneke lives or what her situation is, and I'm not disrespecting her or her talent at all – but – she has a much better shot at sponsorship deals after the torch is out because she is considered 'easier on the eyes'.

From the article:

These endorsements can be worth six figures or more — like Michael Phelps’ $1 million deal to be a spokesman for Mazda in China — or they can compensate athletes with free equipment or products.

Every Olympian needs money to get to the games – to train, to travel, to live on, to support their family. It's not cheap. I get that. I just wish we lived in a world where talent was rewarded just as equally as appearance. I'm sort of hoping for a Kickstarter (she has a blog & donate button! and yes, I donated!) for Sarah so I can throw some cash in to help her on her quest post-Olympics to become a PE teacher and role model for girls in sports.

I hope some brand like PowerBar or GNC steps up to the plate and invests in athletes like Sarah that show that talent doesn't come only in one size.

Sarah gets a sponsor – 

Follow Sarah:
Sarah's Facebook Page –
Sarah's Twitter –
Sarah's Blog (DONATE BUTTON!!) –
The Science of Weightlifting:
Show her some love!!!!


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The Strongest Woman In America Lives In Poverty
Sarah Robles is ranked higher than any other American weightlifter, male or female. She's the best hope the U.S. has at an Olympic medal in the sport — but she struggles to pay her rent.

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