Like I don’t maintain enough blogs (or attempt to anyhow … poor SCRAPcast). Reviews From The Radio is a spin-off of my main blog, Lynette {Radio} : Broadcasting My Brain – as it became apparent that my views on products, services, companies, or websites that I find interesting may not be of interest to my general readers. There is also an audience for reviews and opinions, and those readers are not necessarily interested in the rest of my life. What will be interesting to see is if my sense of humor, desire keep our planet from turning into a trash heap, and spendthrift ways will cause my head to explode, or at least cause me to spend hours in front of my laptop drooling at the iTunes visualizer.
Most reviews you will find on this site are unpaid, unsolicited opinions. I am a very vocal person and the Internet gives me a bullhorn to voice my opinion. On my wish list of items to review are maid service for a year, the perfect pair of jeans, a vacuum cleaner that can pull pug hair out of my carpet, a video recorder I can keep in a diaper bag, spa services that offer childcare, and a Walt Disney World vacation.
If you are interested in that sort of thing, by all means subscribe. If not, don’t do it to just be nice! Just as in this blog, Reviews From The Radio will (hopefully) be an engaging site that starts conversations about the people, places and things in our everyday lives. The readers – and commentors – are what drives the conversation.